System Requirements Of Authentic Assessment Information Systems Model Application


Human needs to meet their needs cannot be separated from the role of information technology (IT) to provide data and information needs. In the education sector, the need for application of IT is carried out as an effort to support learning activities. One of application for education is a learning management system. Through this research, it will explain the system requirements for an authentic assessment information system based on web application. When conducting an authentic assessment, the teacher will assess the aspects of attitudes, knowledge and skills of student for vocational high school levels. The assessment tools for authentic assessments can be through by performance, writing, projects and portfolios assessments. The software development method used is the waterfall method, where for the needs analysis stage have used user requirement analysis and PIECES table. Meanwhile, for the design stage, we will use design tools by unified modeling language (UML). From the analysis and design of an authentic assessment information system based on web application, it is hoped that it can be one of the recommendations in building a learning management system media that is made in accordance with the assessment guidelines in the 2013 Curriculum.

Keywords: Learning Management System, Authentic Assessment, Information System, Unified Modeling Language, Web Applications

Issue: Vol. 4 (2022): CORIS - Conference on Recent Information Technology and Social Science 2022

DOI: Click Here

Publisher: AICS (ADI International Conference Series)


  • Laser Narindro - Institute Of Technology and Business STIKOM Bali
  • Ni Wayan Deriani - Institute Of Technology and Business STIKOM Bali
  • Azhar Rizki Zulma - Trisakti University
  • Arfa Maulana - Trisakti University

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Source: ADI Journal

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Azhar Rizki Zulma

I'm a Information System, Independent Developer, Publisher, Mountainer, Nature Lovers, Musician, Producer, and Blogger.